Gog & Magog Website

Rules Of The Game

Rules 1: Cards Deployment

In each turn, a player must draw a card from the deck and decide what to play based on their strategy and available mana. It is their decision to place cards on the board, attack the opponent, or remain neutral and pass their turn. It all depends on their gameplay strategy.

-Players utilize their limited mana to deploy basic creature cards, creature cards with abilities, and summon spell cards in order to launch attacks against their opponent.

-To play a card, you need the appropriate number of mana tokens. When you play the card, you place the corresponding mana token on the border of the game board, making it visible to your opponent.

-Each turn, you can replenish and utilize your mana again.

-During a player's turn, they can play as many cards as they wish, provided they have the necessary mana for each card played.

-Always place your creature cards or creature cards with abilities in the defensive rank first. Except for creature cards with the ability of instant attack or immediate attack, they are placed in the offensive rank and can autonomously and automatically attack without a war call. All Abilities are limited to a single use.

-You can play as many cards as you desire, as long as you have the required mana for each card, with a maximum of 5 creature cards or creature cards with abilities on the board.

-Throughout the game, you may only have five creature cards or creature cards with abilities on the board.

-Spell cards do not stay on the board; you can play as many as you can, as long as you have the required mana for each card.

-Spell cards are played once and then placed into the used deck.

-You can only play one resource card per turn.

Rules 2: Positioning & Ranks

In the subsequent turn, according to your strategy, you can move one or all of your cards from the defensive rank to the offensive rank.

-You also have the option to alter the positioning of any or all of your cards already placed on the board during your turn, either from offensive to defensive or from defensive to offensive, moving them up or down.

-If you decide to reposition your cards, you declare "March". During your turn, when you choose to March, you cannot play a card or initiate a war. The March action counts as a played turn.

-You can choose to conceal your card in the defensive rank or reveal it, but if you are attacked and your card is in the defensive rank, you must reveal it to the opponent.

-When transitioning from the defensive to the offensive rank, if your card is concealed, you must reveal it before placing it in the offensive rank.

-Irrespective of its rank, a card can automatically counterattack during a battle. It is not possible to initiate an attack with a card in the defensive rank.

-Defensive rank (+1 defense, -1 attack): You can only defend or counterattack. You gain +1 defense point, and any card placed in this rank costs you -1 offensive point.

-Offensive rank (-1 defense, +1 attack): You can attack, defend, and counterattack, gaining +1 offensive point. Any card placed in this rank costs you -1 defense point.

-If you decide to initiate card positioning during your turn, you declare "March."

-If you decide to initiate an attack during your turn, you declare "War."

Rules 3: War

When you initiate an attack, you place attack tokens corresponding to the attack value of your offensive cards on the opponent's cards.

-When you initiate an attack, you must utilize all the cards present in the Offensive rank once; your defensive rank stays neutral.

-You cannot attack your opponent using only one card from the Offensive rank if you have multiple cards there. It's an all-or-nothing approach.

-If there are no cards defending against the attack (Flaws), your opponent loses energy based on the number of attack tokens placed.

-If your opponent has a card positioned in front of your card in either the offensive or defensive rank, they place the attack tokens on your card to counterattack.

-If the opponent's card defense value cannot withstand your card's attack value, your opponent loses their card.

-If the opponent's card defense value can withstand your card's attack value, their card holds its position.

-You may lose your card if the opponent's counterattack value exceeds your card's defense value.

-During a "war," if both cards have the same value, they are both destroyed.

-In other scenarios, a single card can be targeted by multiple cards; you can accumulate attack tokens on a card using both a basic creature card or a creature card with abilities and a spell card. For instance, you can destroy a card with 5 defense by accumulating 6 attack tokens on that same card.

-Or, if two or more creature cards from the same guild are placed in an offensive position, they have the option to combine their attack on a specific opponent's card that is placed in front of one of them. Alternatively, they can focus their attack on a "flaw" if there is one in front of one of the guild cards that are being played.

Rules 4: End Game

The objective is to destroy the opponent's cards or deplete their energy tokens when a flaw is exposed. Flaws arise when a player does not have a card positioned in the offensive or defensive rank to counter an attack.

The winner is the player who completely depletes the opponent's energy tokens.

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